Your contribution is a personal commitment to furthering the Kingdom of God and making a positive impact on our community.
❯ grow
When you give to Rock Church, you are making a contribution to a trusted place that handles each gift with care. Your faithful giving provides stability, strength, and support to God's work in our church as we continue to prayerfully care for and introduce people to Jesus and grow them to be like Him. We're proud to say that lives are being changed because of you!
Ways To Give
Make a secure contribution through PushPay online.
By Text
Give securely by texting “RockChurch” to "55555"
On Sundays
Drop off contributions at the Giving Stations in the back of the Worship Center as well as at the main doors as you exit the building.
Are you looking for your giving statement?
Giving statements are emailed out in January for the previous year. If individuals or families would like a mailed copy or a statement at a different time of the year, they may contact our office.