Plan A Visit
Join Us Sundays at 8:30am, 9:45am & 11am
1234 Avenue Lane, New York, NY 12345
❯ Services
There’s a spot saved just for you!
We recognize that visiting a new church can sometimes be uncomfortable when it’s unfamiliar, but we’d like to change that! Our friendly team is working hard to ensure that your visit is welcoming and meaningful. Rest assured that you will be greeted with open arms and helping hands.
❯ For Infants
Nursery is available during all three services for infants up to age 2. You also have the option to keep your baby with you or use our "family worship room," which features comfortable chairs and a live feed of the worship service.
❯ For Age 2 - Elementary
During the 8:30 and 9:45 services, take advantage of our exciting, age-specific programs that cater to children aged 2 to elementary. If you prefer to keep your toddler with you, you can also utilize our "family worship room."
❯ For Teens
Your teen's well-being is important to us, which is why we encourage them to join us for our services on Sundays. In addition, we offer services specifically for middle and high school students on Wednesdays at 6:30 and 7, respectively.
Expect to be welcomed by our friendly greeters. Don't hesitate to approach us as we would love to meet you! The service will start with 3-4 contemporary songs that you can sing along with or simply listen to, followed by a 30-35-minute message. During the service, there will be an opportunity to participate in a time of giving for those who consider Rock Church their home.
When you arrive at Rock, you can park your vehicle in our designated lot and make your way to our entrance, where our friendly greeters will say hello. Before heading into the Worship Center, feel free to grab a cup of coffee.
Receive a first-timer bag when you visit the Guest Services desk. We would love to greet you and make you feel welcome!
No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, we invite any and everyone to join us and learn about God's teachings and the hope that comes with following Jesus.
Feel free to come as you are or dress up if you prefer. We welcome everyone regardless of how they choose to dress.
Are you looking for a new church home?
Attend a Starting Point Class
If you're interested in becoming a member and are wondering if Rock is the right fit for you, consider joining us for Starting Point CLass. These classes are a great first step. Let us know that you're interested, and we will register you for the next available class. During the class, we'll provide you with a catered lunch, so please register in advance so we can reserve a plate for you.

Have Questions?
Our team is here to support you. Whether you're looking for more information about our church, have a question or concern, or want to connect with our community, we're here to help.
Not able to join us Sunday?
Experience a taste of our worship service and message by joining us for a live online broadcast this Sunday at 9:45am. When you’re ready, join us in-person.